NAF Air Strikes Neutralize 12 Terrorists, Destroy Logistics At Parisu, Tumbun Agiru And Tumbun Alura In Borno State

The Nigeria Military air and ground components of Operation Hadin Kai in the Northeast on 5 January 2024 at Parive neutralized 12 terrorists, and their logistics destroyed, thereby degrading their ability to attack soft targets and own troops.

Parisu, a location near Sambisa Forest, was once a terrorist enclave deserted after own troops had cleared the area of terrorists’ activities. 

Describing the air strike in a statement, the director of Public Relations and Information, Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet revealed that troops destroyed the general area after terrorists were, for days, observed moving items suspected to be weapons and ammunitions to the area. 

However, the convergence of terrorists within the location raised suspicion of their intent and plan, hence the directive to strike the location

He said aftermath of the strikes led to a huge ball of flames from 2 adjacent spots within the vicinity, while some surviving terrorists were observed scampering for safety. 

Prior to the aforementioned strikes, the Air Component of Operation Hadin Kai, on an air reconnaissance mission on 2 January 2024, had struck some opportunity targets at Tumbun Alura. 

The targets, which consisted of 3 canoes, were observed loaded with suspected Premium Motor Spirit (PMS). They were subsequently engaged with a huge explosion observed afterward.

Similar strikes were also carried out at a location about 1.5Km Southwest of Tumbun Agiri within the Tumbuns in the Lake Chad region on 6 January 2024. 

Intelligence gathered over time had revealed the continuous gathering of armed terrorists in pick-up vehicles and motorcycles, hence the go-ahead to attack the location. The precision strikes on the location led to the destruction of the vehicles, motorcycles as well as elimination of several terrorists. 

SpyeTV News reports that efforts by the air and ground components of Operation Hadin Kai to clear the Northeast of remnants of terrorists within the Northeast region of Nigeria have continued to record series of successes. 

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